
Add explainability to your text model/dataset.

class explabox.explain.text.Explainer(data=None, model=None, ingestibles=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Readable, IngestiblesMixin

The Explainer creates explanations corresponding to a model and dataset (with ground-truth labels).

With the Explainer you can use explainble AI (XAI) methods for explaining the whole dataset (global), model behavior on the dataset (global), and specific predictions/decisions (local).

The Explainer requires ‘data’ and ‘model’ defined. It is included in the Explabox under the .explain property.


Construct the explainer:

>>> from explabox.explain import Explainer
>>> explainer = Explainer(data=data, model=model)

Get a local explanation with LIME (https://github.com/marcotcr/lime) and kernelSHAP (https://github.com/slundberg/shap):

>>> explainer.explain_prediction('I love this so much!', methods=['lime', 'kernel_shap'])

See the top-25 tokens for predicted classifier labels on the test set:

>>> explainer.token_frequency(k=25, explain_model=True, splits='test')

Select the top-5 prototypical examples in the train set:

>>> explainer.prototypes(n=5, splits='train')
  • data (Optional[Environment], optional) – Data for ingestibles. Defaults to None.

  • model (Optional[AbstractClassifier], optional) – Model for ingestibles. Defaults to None.

  • ingestibles (Optional[Ingestible], optional) – Ingestible. Defaults to None.

explain_prediction(sample, *args, methods=['lime'], **kwargs)

Explain specific sample locally.

  • sample (Union[int, str]) – Identifier of sample in dataset (int) or input (str).

  • methods (Union[str, List[str]]) – List of methods to get explanations from. Choose from ‘lime’, ‘shap’, ‘baylime’, ‘tree’, ‘rules’, ‘foil_tree’.

  • *args – Positional arguments passed to local explanation technique.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to local explanation technique.


Explanations for each selected method, unless method is unknown (returns None).

Return type:


prototypes(method='mmdcritic', n=5, splits='test', embedder=<class 'text_explainability.data.embedding.TfidfVectorizer'>, labelwise=False, seed=0)

Select n prototypes (representative samples) for the given split(s).

  • method (str, optional) – Method(s) to apply. Choose from [‘mmdcritic’, ‘kmedoids’]. Defaults to ‘mmdcritic’.

  • n (int, optional) – Number of prototypes to generate. Defaults to 5.

  • splits (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Name(s) of split(s). Defaults to “test”.

  • embedder (Optional[Embedder], optional) – Embedder used. Defaults to TfidfVectorizer.

  • labelwise (bool, optional) – Select for each label. Defaults to False.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 0.


ValueError – Unknown method selected.


Prototypes for each methods and split.

Return type:

Union[Instances, MultipleReturn]

prototypes_criticisms(n_prototypes=5, n_criticisms=3, splits='test', embedder=<class 'text_explainability.data.embedding.TfidfVectorizer'>, labelwise=False, **kwargs)

Select n prototypes (representative samples) and n criticisms (outliers) for the given split(s).

  • n_prototypes (int, optional) – Number of prototypes to generate. Defaults to 5.

  • n_criticsms (int, optional) – Number of criticisms to generate. Defaults to 3.

  • splits (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Name(s) of split(s). Defaults to “test”.

  • embedder (Optional[Embedder], optional) – Embedder used. Defaults to TfidfVectorizer.

  • labelwise (bool, optional) – Select for each label. Defaults to False.

  • n_criticisms (int) –


Prototypes for each methods and split.

Return type:

Union[Instances, MultipleReturn]

token_frequency(splits='test', explain_model=True, labelwise=True, k=25, filter_words=<Proxy at 0x7fedfd57c540 wrapping ['de', 'het', 'een'] at 0x7fedfd1c1440 with factory <function lazy.<locals>.<lambda>>>, lower=True, seed=0, **count_vectorizer_kwargs)

Show the top-k number of tokens for each ground-truth or predicted label.

  • splits (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Split names to get the explanation for. Defaults to ‘test’.

  • explain_model (bool, optional) – Whether to explain the model (True) or ground-truth labels (False). Defaults to True.

  • labelwise (bool, optional) – Whether to summarize the counts for each label seperately. Defaults to True.

  • k (Optional[int], optional) – Limit to the top-k words per label, or all words if None. Defaults to 25.

  • filter_words (List[str], optional) – Words to filter out from top-k. Defaults to [‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’].

  • lower (bool, optional) – Whether to make all tokens lowercase. Defaults to True.

  • seed (int, optional) –

  • **count_vectorizer_kwargs – Optional arguments passed to CountVectorizer/FastCountVectorizer.


Each label with corresponding top words and their frequency

Return type:

Union[FeatureList, MultipleReturn]

token_information(splits='test', explain_model=True, k=25, filter_words=<Proxy at 0x7fedfd589700 wrapping ['de', 'het', 'een'] at 0x7fedfd1d2900 with factory <function lazy.<locals>.<lambda>>>, lower=True, seed=0, **count_vectorizer_kwargs)

Show the top-k token mutual information for a dataset or model.

  • splits (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Split names to get the explanation for. Defaults to ‘test’.

  • explain_model (bool, optional) – Whether to explain the model (True) or ground-truth labels (False). Defaults to True.

  • labelwise (bool, optional) – Whether to summarize the counts for each label seperately. Defaults to True.

  • k (Optional[int], optional) – Limit to the top-k words per label, or all words if None. Defaults to 25.

  • filter_words (List[str], optional) – Words to filter out from top-k. Defaults to [‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’].

  • lower (bool, optional) – Whether to make all tokens lowercase. Defaults to True.

  • seed (int, optional) –

  • **count_vectorizer_kwargs – Optional arguments passed to CountVectorizer/FastCountVectorizer.


k labels, sorted based on their mutual information with

the output (predictive model labels or ground-truth labels)

Return type:

Union[FeatureList, MultipleReturn]